Meet Felix, a playful and affectionate 14-week-old British Shorthair kitten looking for his forever home. With his round face, plush grey blue coat, and golden eyes, Felix is the epitome of the British Shorthair breed. His soft, dense fur and stocky build are typical of this charming breed, and his sweet personality will steal your heart.
Felix is not just a pretty face—he’s also an incredibly well-tempered kitten. Despite his youthful energy, he’s gentle and sociable, enjoying both playtime and cuddling up for a nap. He’s been raised in a loving, family-oriented environment, which has helped him develop a calm and confident nature. Felix loves to explore, but he’s also content to sit by your side or curl up in your lap for some quiet time.
This little guy has been socialized with other pets and children, so he’ll fit in well with families or individuals who already have other animals or children. Felix is litter-trained, eating solid food, and is fully up to date on vaccinations and deworming treatments. He’s also been regularly checked by a vet to ensure he’s in perfect health.
Don’t miss the chance to welcome this adorable British Shorthair into your home. Felix is ready to bring his charm and love into your life!
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